

This project is published in the Melted Tofu Registry. To use GameBoy.jl, add the registry (]registry add and then use the usual package commands to install ]add GameBoy.

Constructing an Emulator

Create an emulator by calling the Emulator constructor with the path to a Game Boy rom file; e = Emulator("").

Emulating a Frame

Emulate the next frame and return the pixels; pixels = doframe!(e).

Pressing a Button

Press a button with buttonstate!. Don't forget to release it on the next frame - many games wait for the release to trigger the in-game action.

Saving a Frame as an Image

The pixels can be saved as an image with FileIO and Images. Just make sure to reinterpret the pixels into the correct color space!

This is how I generated the reference images for the Blargg test roms.

using GameBoy
using FileIO, Images

e = Emulator_("test/roms/")
for _ ∈ 1:60*60

pixels = doframe!(e)
save(File{format"PNG"}("blargg_cpu_instrs.png"), reinterpret(BGRA{N0f8}, pixels))

Saving many Frames as a Video

Multiple frames can be stitched together into a video with VideoIO. The target_pix_fmt and AV_PIX_FMT are selected to be compatible with Quicktime Player. I'm sure that there is a more elegant way to convert the pixels. Submit a PR if you figure it out!

using GameBoy
using VideoIO

recorder = open_video_out(joinpath("gameboy.recording.mp4"),

frame = Matrix{RGB{N0f8}}(undef, 144, 160)

for j in 1:144
    for jj in 1:160
        frame[j, jj] = convert(RGB{N0f8}, reinterpret(ARGB32, pixels[j, jj]))

write(recorder, frame)